About PPF

Good Policy | Better Canada
The Public Policy Forum builds bridges among diverse participants in the policymaking process and works with them to examine issues, offer new perspectives and feed fresh ideas into policy discussions.
We believe good policy is critical to making a better Canada — a country that’s cohesive, prosperous and secure. We contribute by:
- Researching the issues that challenge Canadians today;
- Convening to foster frank and honest dialogue leading to policy solutions; and
- Celebrating exceptional policy leaders who have contributed to public policy excellence across Canada and the world.
PPF is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit organization and a registered charity. Our members include a broad base of private, public, non-profit and Indigenous organizations who share insight on policy challenges and developments.
Our approach is called Inclusion to Conclusion. Here’s why.
- Inclusion: PPF includes a broad cross-section of participants in our discussions. We strive to engage the best emerging and established voices, and invite a combination of thinkers, deciders and doers to the policy conversations.
- Conclusion: While policy discussions among diverse parties are good, an even greater good comes from identifying pathways forward and removing obstacles to success. PPF is an applied policy shop. Our reports inject implementable ideas and approaches into the policymaking process.
Our Fundamentals
In July 2024, PPF adopted a refreshed five-year strategy. Below summarizes the key elements.
- Our Vision: Good policy for a better Canada, where everyone has opportunity to flourish individually and together.
- Our Mission: Catalyze difficult policy conversations and develop ideas that inform policymakers to better tackle tomorrow’s challenges on behalf of Canadians.
- Our Value Proposition: Curate and shape publicly interested, civil discussions which bring together diverse voices and lead to practical, long-term policy solutions.
Our Policy Areas & Outcomes
At PPF, we focus on complex and emerging policy issues of significance to the long-term well-being of Canada and Canadians. We currently have five areas of policy focus:
- Economic Growth, Competitiveness & Living Standards: Canada promotes the conditions for a dynamic and growing economy that invests in our future prospects and enables all to participate.
- Climate Change & Energy Transition: Canada progresses toward a net-zero emissions energy system while strengthening shared prosperity, competitiveness, unity and reconciliation in a decarbonizing world.
- Technological & Social Progress: Canada moves to the forefront in the discovery, commercialization and adoption of technological advances that serve the public good.
- Canada Amidst Geopolitical Change: Canada serves its national interests by using its comparative advantages to advance prosperity and security at home and abroad.
- Democratic Trust & Good Governance: Canada fosters trust in its institutions and a well-informed citizenry by embracing all policymaking and delivery tools available and nurturing the common bases of reliable information necessary for well-functioning democracies.
The Values That Drive Our Work
We dispense the best advice, without fear or favour. We are a non-partisan think tank with diverse sources of funding and an unremitting focus on the public interest.
We work with, and build bridges among, different sectors and levels of government and include PPF Fellows, academic institutions and other think tanks in our policy discussions.
We aim to speak the truth as we see it in our engagements with external partners, as well as in our internal discussions.
We are forthright and transparent. We publish our research findings and disclose the sponsors of individual research projects or policy events.
We strive to look at issues from new angles, taking fresh approaches in our discussions, research projects and events. We’re committed to using innovative research designs and new technologies.
Our History
PPF was born of the belief that dialogue between leaders in the private and public sectors leads to better policy. Established in 1987, PPF created an independent space for leaders to discuss governance and public policy. Since then, PPF’s membership has grown to include about 200 organizations from business, federal, provincial and territorial governments, academic institutions, unions and non-profit organizations. We have recognized more than 250 Canadians at our Annual Testimonial Dinner for extraordinary contributions to public policy excellence and leadership. And we continue to convene and foster the policy conversations and conclusions that drive good policy for a better Canada.