Strategic Assets in Uncertain Times: Unlocking Energy and Resources in Canada’s North
Series | The Future is Due NorthCover Photo: Birds eye view of the Diavik Diamond Mine in Northwest Territories
In Strategic Assets in Uncertain Times: Unlocking Energy and Resources in Canada’s North, Dr. Nick Poushinsky and Pierre Alvarez argue that the Arctic has long been held by Canadians as a defining element of our country, secure in the belief that others had little or no interest in the vast, inaccessible landscape north of 60. Recently, the impacts of climate change, aggressive foreign policy and resource development initiatives by a growing number of nations—and the lack of a comprehensive Canadian Arctic policy framework—are challenging that view. The development of Canada’s northern resources has important strategic and economic implications for Canada, and that development—done in the right way—has the potential to greatly benefit Canadians now and in the future.