The Atlantic Momentum Initiative
Building a sustainable, technology-based knowledge economy to increase living standards for all Atlantic CanadiansThe east coast of Canada is experiencing a moment. It is now widely recognized for its cluster of great universities and colleges, which provide springboards to prosperity in an information economy. During the early stages of the pandemic, the Atlantic bubble formed quickly, fueled by social cohesion that was the envy of the country. An explosion in innovation led by a new generation of entrepreneurs, combined with an existing economic base and enviable lifestyle, has supercharged opportunity. The urgent question: where to next?
The Atlantic Momentum Initiative is working to identify momentum factors and mobilize levers of change, including offering public policy recommendations that ensure a growing, productive labour force and a thriving knowledge economy. As well, we are monitoring metrics on the delivery of health care, access to housing, transportation and infrastructure to ensure inclusive growth. Our Atlantic Canada Momentum Index, published in 2023, is key to these efforts.
Plans for 2024 include:
- Publication of an updated Atlantic Momentum Index Report;
- Ongoing discussions and conversations about Atlantic Momentum
- Sessions with partners, including the Atlantic Association of Universities
- The Frank McKenna Dinner and Atlantic Awards in Halifax in the fall;
- Reports focusing on the benefits of an open Atlantic, the opportunity of clean energy and momentum gaps;
- An invitation-only Atlantic-themed expert gathering in Toronto; and
- Continued expansion of our critically acclaimed weekly Atlantic Momentum newsletter.
These efforts build on our 2023 Atlantic Momentum Initiative, which included:
- Engagement sessions in Toronto and Fredericton;
- The Frank McKenna Dinner and Awards in Fredericton;
- A keynote address to the Halifax Chamber of Commerce;
- An invitation-only Atlantic-themed expert salon in Toronto;
- Debate at PPF’s Growth Summit;
- Briefings for federal, provincial and municipal policymakers
- Kick-starting national conversations;
- A weekly Atlantic Momentum newsletter (sign up here);
- Publication of a new report on the opportunity of wind power, October 2023;
- A discussion in Halifax to discuss next steps for the momentum index, October 2023;
- A new report on the ‘belonging advantage’ in Atlantic Canada and
- Publication of case studies on automation, biosciences, immigration, carbon capture and labour.
- TD Bank Group (Frank McKenna)
- Margaret McCain
- Gerry Pond
- Oceans Capital Investment Ltd.
- The Joyce Family Foundation
- Joseph P. Shannon
- Ptarmigan Foundation