Ep.52: When Your Boss is an Algorithm
With Emily Guendelsberger and Sean O’BradyBrave New Work special | Episode 2 of 3
Listen in with Emily Guendelsberger and Sean O’Brady
Emily Guendelsberger has worked at Philadelphia City Paper, the Onion’s A.V. Club, Philadelphia Weekly, and the Philadelphia Daily News, and has contributed to the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Washington Post, Politico magazine, and Vice. Emily is the author of ‘On the Clock: What Low-Wage Work Did to Me and How It Drives America Insane’.
Dr. Sean O’Brady’s research focuses on how labour relations, HRM practices, and institutions affect job quality in low-skilled service work. He has also developed an interest in work and technology. Sean’s research has received awards from the Labor and Employment Relations Association, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, Canadian Industrial Relations Association, and the Confédération des syndicats nationaux. His work can be found in the British Journal of Industrial Relations, European Journal of Industrial Relations, and elsewhere. He is a co-researcher with the Inter-University Research Centre on Globalization and Work (CRIMT), and an expert researcher with the Tompkins County Living Wage Working Group. Prior to his appointment at McMaster University, Sean completed postdoctoral research at Cornell University, and a PhD from Université de Montréal.
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