Glen Hodgson


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Economist and author Glen Hodgson brings deep pools of knowledge of economic policy and growth related to recent work on energy and climate policy.

He has accumulated 35 years of experience in global and Canadian macro-economics, international trade and finance, fiscal and tax policy, and other “big picture” topics.

Glen’s career has spanned The Conference Board of Canada, Export Development Canada (EDC), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the federal Department of Finance. He has travelled the world and Canada as an economic thinker, financial negotiator and advisor to governments, businesses and international organizations. Glen has published two books – on the 2008 global financial crisis and on the business economics of pro sports. He has written over 350 reports, briefings and articles, and writes regular commentary in The Globe and Mail.

Glen develops and undertakes research on global, U.S., Canadian and provincial economic performance; globalization, trade and disruption; managing catastrophic risk; the emerging low-carbon economy; fiscal and tax policy; productivity and innovation; and the business economics of sports.

Glen has led organizations and served on boards. He became the first-ever Senior Fellow at the Conference Board of Canada after twelve years as the Board’s Senior Vice-President and Chief Economist. He is also a member of Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission, which undertakes research on using price signals to discourage negative outcomes like greenhouse gas emissions or road congestion, and to encourage more positive ones.